英 [krɑːft]crown
英 [kraʊn]scissors
英 [ˈsɪzəz]tape
英 [teɪp]glue
英 [ɡluː]saw
英 [sɔː]craftsman
英 [ˈkrɑːftsmən]craftsmen
英 [ˈkrɑːftsmən]tool
英 [tuːl]easily
英 [ˈiːzəli]himself
英 [hɪmˈself]still
英 [stɪl]model house
英 [ˈmɒdl haʊs]a long time ago
英 [ə lɒŋ taɪm əˈɡəʊ]at work
英 [æt wɜːk]say to oneself
英 [seɪ tu wʌnˈself]The students want to make presents for their families and friends.
Ms Guo is helping them.
What do you want to make, Jill? What do you need?
I want to make a crown. I need a pair of scissors.
That sounds nice. Who is it for?
It’s for my little cousin. She wants to be a princess.
What about you, Peter? What are you making?
I’m making a toy plane for my brother. He likes playing with toy planes.
That’s good. What are you making, Joe and Alice?
We’re making a model house. It’s for Kitty. Her birthday is coming. We don’t have any tape. Can you